No, the Climate Accelerator program does not charge any fees or require any payment from selected participants. However, participants are expected to have access to a reliable internet connection and a laptop to attend virtual sessions.
No, you do not require to give up any equity to participate in the Climate Accelerator program.
The length of the Climate Accelerator varies depending on the specific program. The Climate Launch program usually spans over 3 months.
The Climate Accelerator (tCA) is a program for early-stage startups focused on developing climate solutions. Teams of entrepreneurs who started their venture after 2016 — regardless of whether they are incorporated or not — are eligible to apply for Climate Launch.
For Climate Ready (for women and students), the additional condition is that the venture must be led by either women founders or student founders.
The criteria for selection in the Climate Accelerator program includes: Team strength, expertise and experiences, Idea (innovation) , traction achieved, fitness for the program.
The Climate Accelerator respects the intellectual property (IP) of all participants and encourages them to disclose their IP before or during the program. Any IP generated before or during the program will remain the property of the respective participant or their organization. However, the program reserves the right to use the participant's name, logo, and content for promotional purposes.
Our pre-accelerator, Climate Ready, are specifically tailored to support student-entrepreneurs and women-led startups.
Our two-stage accelerators, Climate Launch and Climate Runway are designed to help startups validate their market fit, and strengthen their go-to-market strategies and their access to funds.
To determine which program is best suited for your startup, we recommend reviewing the eligibility criteria for each program, along with what each program offers. Alternatively, you can try out our chat feature to determine which program is best for you.
Climate Collective Foundation (CCF) is an India-based non-profit that empowers entrepreneurs focused on climate change and circular economy throughout the Global South. Its goal is to build and strengthen local climate startup ecosystems by bridging the gap between the development and private sectors. CCF is an ecosystem enabler and is the knowledge partner for the Climate Accelerator with PR Clean Energy Pvt. Ltd.
The Climate Accelerator (tCA) is an integrated set of accelerator programmes dedicated to helping early-stage climate tech startups from the Global South enter the market, grow, and succeed.
It is a multi-stage integrated accelerator programme that has emerged from our leading accelerator programmes that we have been running since 2017 in the climate tech space. tCA has three programmes:
(a) Climate Ready is a pre-accelerator for women and students (for South Asia only).
(b) Climate Launch is the accelerator programme (for South Asia and the Gulf region).
(c) Climate Runway is an advanced stage of the accelerator programme.
We have since accelerated 862 startups that have raised over $160 million.
The Climate Accelerator program consists of two main stages: the pre-accelerator and the accelerator.
The pre-accelerators (Climate Ready for Students and Climate Ready for Women) are a 6-week program designed for early-stage climate tech startups to help them refine their business models and improve their pitches.
The accelerator (consists of Climate Launch and Climate Runway). Climate Launch is a 12-week program that provides selected startups with mentorship, resources to scale their ventures.
Finally, Climate Runway builds on the fundamental knowledge and validation from Launch, and provides the startups with various tools to get in front of customers and investors.
A six-week pre-accelerator program for entrepreneurs to bridge knowledge and skills gaps, strengthen business models, build networks and confidence, and gain direct access to the Climate Launch accelerator program. Please note that the Climate Ready for Women and Climate Ready for Students programs are currently operational for the South Asia region only. (This will be launched later this year)
Climate Launch is the acceleration stage of the Climate Accelerator program. It is designed to help early-stage climate tech startups validate market fit and strengthen their go-to-market strategies. Through this stage, startups will have access to mentors, training, grant opportunities and networking to help them grow and scale their businesses. The program will help startups identify their target customers, define their value proposition, and refine their business model. The duration of the program is typically between three and four months.
Climate Runway is the second stage of the accelerator program. It helps climate tech startups that have already validated market fit to refine their business strategies and scale their operations. The Climate Runway program provides access to mentorship, networking, customers and funding opportunities to help startups accelerate their growth. (This will be launched later this year)
Through tCA (the Climate Accelerator), as an early-stage climate tech startup, you get access to a range of resources to help grow and scale your businesses.
You get to meet and interact with other superb founders, investors, and corporates with access to grants and funding support, tools and credits, support for early stage and growth, and the opportunity to validate your go-to market and make an impact in the domain you are solving for.
On completion of the program you will get access to the Climate Runway and Climate Seed program, which give you direct access to leading global investors and other funding opportunities.
The accelerator program requires a commitment of approximately 3–5 hours per week from each cohort member, which includes one or two hours of sessions during our 12-week program duration (or the updated duration of the program).
Currently, the Climate Launch is accepting applications from only one of these 7 countries: (1 regions : South Asia)
South Asia: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
However, we plan to accept applications from Gulf and Global South next year. Stay tuned for updates on our website and social media channels.   
Before starting the application, make sure your startup is working on a climate solution, and your team is committed to participating in the program. You should also ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria, including having a minimum viable product, and a team with complementary skillsets. Lastly, you should be prepared to commit the necessary time and effort to participate in the program and achieve the program's goals.
Yes, you can apply if you are a registered startup in one of the eligible countries. However, please note that session timings will be scheduled as per Indian Standard Time (IST), and all sessions will be held virtually. Attendance at sessions is required; if you can work out the time differences, you can be a part of the program.
Yes, you can apply even if you are not a registered startup. The Climate Accelerator encourages early-stage startups working on climate-tech solutions to apply, regardless of their legal registration status. However, please note that eligibility criteria and selection criteria apply, and non-registered startups may need to provide additional documentation to prove their business idea's validity.
You may write to us directly on info@climateaccelerator.org
The dates for the the Climate Accelerator program are typically announced on the program website and social media channels.
Selected startups in the accelerator program will receive access to grants via "Climate Pitch" (primarily for the Ready and Launch cohort), and equity via our funding platform "Climate Seeders Club" (primarily for the Launch and Runway cohort).
The primary language used in the program is English. It is expected that participants have a basic level of proficiency in the language.
1. If you are an incubator looking to nominate a startup for the Climate Accelerator program, you can fill out the nomination form at https://climatecollective.typeform.com/to/Kljqe1ZM. or
2. If you are any other organisation interested in partnering, kindly mail us at info@climateaccelerator.org.
The number of sessions you are required to attend depends on the specific program you are accepted into. However, as a general rule, founders are expected to attend all sessions of the program they are accepted into, as they are designed to provide a comprehensive learning experience and networking opportunities.
The Climate Accelerator seeks early-stage startups with innovative climate solutions that can scale and significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We encourage various climate tech solutions and new business models that can accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy.
The Climate Accelerator program targets startups in various climate-related themes, such as clean energy, energy optimisation, carbon, waste to resources," and pollution. You can find further details about the program themes and areas of focus on our website.
After completing the program, participants become part of the Climate Collective community. There are many opportunities for startups that arise as a result, including piloting opportunities, access to funders (both grants and equity), and a global network of climate stakeholders.
The program is delivered online, with weekly virtual sessions and events.
Please try our chat feature for more details, or write to us directly at info@climateaccelerator.org.